Thursday 29 March 2007

feels like i'm all the way back where i belong

i'm going to poland today. i'm so excited! my flight to warsaw is in 3 hours and i keep asking myself why i am still in my room. huh? yeah, i'd better go and catch a bus to the airport before it's too late.

i hope i've packed everything i might need in poland. let's see... i've got my debit/credit cards, passport, mobile phone, bottle of scotch whisky... etc. these are the most important things. so, i guess i'm ready to go.

off to poland! hoorray!

Monday 26 March 2007

off to perth

yeah... i'm off to perth in 15 minutes. paul - my flatmate - is throwing a party in his house in perth while his parents are away. so, i'm going there today and coming back tomorrow afternoon. hope it's going to be a good fun. stephen, liam, ewan, alice and a couple of other people from darroch court are going there too.

what i've been recently up to:
thursday - class exam in economics, i got 75% and think it's enough to get an exemption from a degree exam in may
friday - working in the morning, official 'end of term party' in potterrow in the evening
saturday - working in glasgow at the hampden stadium, football match scotland vs. georgia (2:1)
sunday - zoo expedition; me, liam, steven, paul, alice and kate went to the edinburgh zoo. haha, i loved the monkeyhouse and pinguins. shitting rhinos were also cool!

Wednesday 14 March 2007


yeah, this week is very busy. many of things to do and so little time.

it began pretty well, actually. it was charley's birthday on monday - the only day to relax this week. so we had a party in 7/5. i couldn't come up with an idea for a good present, so i bought a buquet of flowers and charley really like them. a lot of people turned up, so it was a good time. oh, and we played twister, which was so fun. once the party finished, we went to 'why not' (how nou - as carol told me to name it). i had never been there before. the club was really cool. quite posh, and quite expensive as well; a fiver for entry! but it was worth that money. definitely, we should visit 'why not' more often.

yesterday, i started my economics revision. i'm sitting a class exam next thursday. i need to pass it really well in order to have an exemption from a final exam in may. i hope i'll make it. yeah, but this revision takes me much time, so i won't have much entertainment until the test day.

i'm working today in the national museum of scotland as a part of a waiting team. it's gonna be a banquet or sort of. between 4:30 pm and 1:00 am. sucks! i gotta finish this post now. i neet to iron my white shirt and shave. ugh, hate this!

Tuesday 6 March 2007

booze is a men's thing. keep girls away!

well, a lot of things to cover

i'll start briefly with news (or should i say 'olds') of the previous week:
i had to write two essays due to that week. the final submission of the bs1 essay was on tuesday, and for the one in economics - thursday. i did write the first one much in advance, but i left the second essay for the very last moment. so i spent whole tuesday browsing through numerous articles from the economist and financial times. i got down to writing it on wednesday noon and finished by the evening that day. i wasn't satisfied with what i got, but what more could i expect? the essay topics were released early in january and i started to think about it merely two days before the submission. i'll try to work harder next time...

once i finished my 'studying week' on thursday [yes! to those who don't know: i have fridays off!!! ;-P i understand if you're jealous now], it was high time to unwind and get a wee bit off my face. it all began with a pre-party in the carol's flat where everyone sank a few bevvies. after that we went to stereo. i dare say it was the first time i went there, even though i was there in the freshers' week. but i don't remember much of that september night (after all, who remembers much of the freshers' week?! everybody was drunk all the time then, or at least most of it). anyway, they had good promotions in stereo, so i had a couple of drinks. generally, i had a really good time. well, until i woke up in the morning the next day.

friday morning was disasterous. hang-over, hang-over, hang-over ... etc. i ate a sandwich and went to bed. woke up again around 3-ish in the afternoon, still having a slight head-ache. fortunately, since every one was pretty much at the same state of their bodies and minds, we found a good solution to that problem. we decided to go outdoors and play football at our secret pitch. it began raining but we didn't mind. we were playing for two hours in the pouring scottish rain, which washed away our 'i feel sick' feelings definitively.

saturday - big cheese in potterrow, as usually. standing more than half an hour in a queue we could at least observe a lunear eclipse. it was beautiful! i can't say i had a good time in potterrow, simply because i had to leave quite early. someone, kind of accidentally, spilled a glass of orange juice on my white shirt. to me it meant only one thing - the party was over.

sunday - chill out.

what about this week? it's our unwritten tradition that every monday many people from darroch court go to the globe to challenge their minds in a pop-quiz. yesterday, i was in a team of two girls (alice and carol) and five lads (ed, steven, ewan, liam and me). our team name was "greg's a socialist and phil a sexual deviant" (no offence, guys!). i don't know how we did it but we did it. we won the quiz and received a voucher worth 50 quids. we wanted to exchange it for a case of beer and a bottle of vodka. girls (the female part of the team) volounteered to go to a bar and ask for our prize. and then it happened. our most dreadful dreams came true. you're never gonna believe it, but, yeah, what they actually brought was a big case of vk apple drink (24 btls) and two small cases of beer (8 btls in each). omg-wtf?!!! how come? it was supposed to be vodka and beer! then girls explained politely that they were part of the team and they didn't like beer. huh? ok, i can understand it, but why exchange in that proportion? it could've been 16 vk's against 24 beers. oh, damn! i took it as a lesson for the future: never ever let any girl choose a prize you've been awarded in a pop-quiz. booze is a men's thing. so keep girls away of it!

Sunday 4 March 2007

10 commandments of a university student

i - thou shalt nap
and god gave unto student a great gift, the gift of napping. god said to him, you shall spend half your day napping. you shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. and god said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. and student said, nap i shall, and it was good.

ii - thou shalt get sick all the time
now god said to student, you must be sick all of the time. and student asked why. and god said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and get off with people you don’t know. therefore, god said, you shall be sick all year round. but god said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. and it was good.

iii - thou shalt not attend lectures
and student asked, will this sickness affect my studies? and god said unto him, yes, but thou shalt skip classes for lesser reasons. you will skip classes because it is raining and you cannot find your umbrella. you will skip classes because you are too lazy to walk across campus. you shall sleep through your morning lectures and nap through the afternoons. blessed are those that succeed, and those who do not shall resit the year or switch to sociology. and student understood god’s wisdom, and it was good.

iv - thou shalt wear a hoodie
and then student asked how he should make himself look like a university student. and god said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. and you shall never wash it either. student asked god, what kind of hoodie should it be? and god said, you shall own many of varying colours and creeds. and student was pleased and god was pleased.

v - thou shalt abuse the library
and god gave unto student another gift, in the form of the library. and he said, fear not, student, it will not be demanded of you that you use this gift to catch up on missed lectures. you may visit with this intention, but your time will be spent surfing the internet. you shall speak with your numerous fellow students, and smoke. and god said, if you do not honour this gift, and if you use the library to further your studies, i shall smite you. and the student saw that god was right, and it was good.

vi - thou shalt respect the cheeky one
and student then asked of god, surely i must study sometimes, or i cannot be a true student? and god in his wisdom replied, yes, it is true that student must study. and student did not like this, and began to weep, and god said unto him, student, fear not the occasional class, for study you must. but to ease the pain, you shall honour the tradition of the cheeky one, which will make the study more bearable, and help you to spend your student loan. god said, alcohol is another gift to you: it makes anything good better and anything bad more tolerable. and after your cheeky one, you shall return to your home, and nap. and student dried his eyes and thanked god for his generosity, and it was good.

vii - thou shalt get laid
student then asked of sex. and god said, student, you shall get laid and be happy. you shall go home with random people every weekend and forget about them the next day. you shall see them at class and be awkward amongst their company. you shall exchange saliva at bars and parties and it will be good. and student became gleeful and god told student to wrap it up because he knows where she has been, but student does not.

viii - thou shalt join a club and never go to meetings
student inquired of his spare time and god reminded him that he should be napping. but student said he wanted to do other things. so god said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. and student asked why he should not go to meetings, and god told him, because they are gay. and student understood his wisdom.

ix - thou shalt wake up confused
god said to student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. you will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. you will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in marmite. you will find yourself surrounded by items that do not belong to you, and of which you do not know the provenance, such as road signs, bicycle tyres, and garden furniture. and student was disturbed by this, but god said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends one day, and it is not stealing if you were drunk when you did it. and student understood and god took a sip of beer.

and god gave student the final commandment :

x - thou shalt gain weight
and student wished to hear the final commandment and god said he would not like it. but student insisted, so god said unto him, you shall gain weight. however, god said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear tracksuits a lot. god said, student, you will watch a lot of tv and become fat, which caused student to weep profusely. but god comforted student saying, you will still get laid even if you cannot tie your shoes any more. student felt better and god pointed to student’s chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits. and it was good.

p.s i found it on facebook. quite funny, isn' it?