Monday 25 June 2007

news of last week

erm… not much was going on last week. it began with a day off on monday, the only sunny day of past 7 days. i can’t remember now if i did something productive on day that. i remember i was sitting on grass in a park reading a magazine for three hours. since tuesday it was only work, work and work. i know i’m complaining too much about work. i must accept the fact i have to work and face what i have realized recently: my finance sucks, so i’ve got to earn some money. it’s not much, yet it is money i’ll definitely need in the next academic year.

friday was supposed to be my another lazy day. well, it was not. i was phoned by people from a catering agency (the one i used to work for before i started employment in café rouge) asking me if i could replace a waiter at the musselburgh race course. to cut a long story short, i said ‘yes’ and it was my mistake. that was a long and tiring shift. at least i could watch all races for free and see horses from a very close distance. unfortunately, i couldn’t make any bets.

ooooof! i am not working today. looks like i’ll always have mondays off. which is so good, cause everybody knows that monday is a student night in pubs and clubs. bargains and price reductions on drinks and entry fee everywhere! yay! besides, many people arrived to edinburgh yesterday. so there is david, conor, paul, liam, phil and other guys. good to see them.

gossip of the week: emilia met pawel ciechowski on the okecie airport in warsaw!!! what a bad luck. at least for her. how come? they were going to the states on the same day around same hours. is there something i don't know? they were standing in neighbouring queues to check-in. the only difference was that one queue was to new york, while the other one to chicago... i know it is a random news and not everyone knows what i mean. i just thought it was so unexpected!

anything else?.... not! oh, well: friday5.

1) if you get the first choice of monopoly tokens, which do you choose? if someone else chooses it first, which is your second choice?
honestly speaking, i have never played monopoly in my life. simply because it was not popular in poland, at least when i was a kid.

2) what’s a board game you are especially bad at?
chess! they should label this game 'thinking required - not suitable for low iq people' (i've never forced my mind to do an iq test, but i guess i wouldn't score much)

3) what board game are you particularly good at?
don't know. everything depends on luck.

4) how competitive do you get while playing board games or party games?
quite competitive

5) what’s your favorite board game? what’s a board game you can’t stand?
eurobusiness, definitely! my favourite country is austria. i can't stand backgammon. don't like it.

Friday 15 June 2007

my first friday5

i got it from meredith, meredith got it from kelli, kelli got it from let's start...

1. what’s something you were into before it became popular?
mortal kombat pc games

2. what’s something you were reluctant to jump on the bandwagon with, but now are totally into?
sports, dancing, jazz music

3. what’s a current trend or fad you just don’t get?
those skin-tight jeans that you can't even bend your knees in

4. if you could turn any current fondness of yours into a popular trend, what would it be?
healthy living (no more obesity or smoking - i managed to fight both)

5. what’s something that’s totally uncool that you love anyway?
old britney's hits... uh, they remind me of crazy junior high school times

anything else from here? erm, not much. generally, i spend most of my time either working or sleeping. i moved in to paul’s flat yeterday, where i am going to stay for about 2 months (i’m getting keys to my flat on 3rd august). laura’s flat, the one that i was staying in since leaving darroch court, was only temporary. so, my new address is 22/3 panmure place, edinburgh... just in case anybody wants to mail me

p.s. happy birthday to alice (it's your "19th" so rock your world today) and marta (all the best, sis' for the lucky "24")

Friday 8 June 2007

o sole mio

i hate the weather in edinburgh! it drives me really crazy. it doesn't have all the nice characteristics the polish climate does. it has neither sun in summer, nor snow in winter. all the year round it's pretty much the same: lots of clouds, rain and wind. sometimes with a bit of sunny moments. but that 'sometimes' means more 'very occasionally' rather than 'from time to time', or in other words 'between rains'. to give you an example of what i hate:

friday, 8 june a.d. 2007
belchatow (my hometown) - max day temperature 27 (in celsius scale), min night temp 15
edinburgh - max day temp 16, min night temp 10 (fuckin' freezing cold)

one day i said to someone: "i hate rain!" in response i heard: "man, you're in a wrong country". am i?

btw, i got the management accountancy result today. scored 73%, which i'm really satisfied with. hooray!

Monday 4 June 2007

it sucks to be me

well, well, well... another week passed. on tuesday i moved out of darroch court and have been staying in laura's flat on montague street since then. the flat has got a good location, it's quite close to the city centre and within a walking distance to my new work (café rouge). speaking of which, i was working for the whole weekend. 8 hours on friday, 10 on saturday and 8 yesterday. it was very exhausting. fortunately, i've got a day off today (and on friday as well). i've been put on a full time rota for this week, which means my short summer time has ended. now it's only work and work. blaaah, i hate life!

right, i'd better stop this moaning. after all i wanted that job. maybe it's not gonna be so bad. today is a free day, so i can laze around and do nothing. so yeah, i woke up at noon, did some shopping, ate good lunch and now i'm sitting in a computer lab in hugh robson building. i'm going to a gym and sauna soon. evening is a movies' time. i'm going to watch some films; haven't decided on them yet, though.

anything else? well, i might add something about the weather in edinburgh: it has been shite! rainy, windy and chilly in general. i dream of polish summer - warm, sunny days and uncloudy sky. ahh, dreaming should be banned. it only makes people unable to act and confirms them in the belief that their lives suck...