Friday 13 July 2007

friday, 13th!

anybody experienced any kind of bad luck today?

i'm enjoying a day off. did nothing productive so far, apart from going shopping on princess street and to the uni sport centre. yeah, i did some (light) weight-lifting today and went to sauna afterwards.

anyway, not much to say in general. time for friday5 questions:

what’s a gross food you like anyway? pork liver with potatoes and onion rings

who’s an unlikeable person you like anyway? britney spears, she's stupid as hell, but i like her (someone kill me for admitting so)

what’s an unpleasant task you enjoy performing anyway? flying. i hate planes, but they always take me home

what’s a dumb song you enjoy anyway? asereje by las ketchup

what’s a lousy restaurant you frequent anyway? mcdonald's ... bigmac rocks!

Tuesday 10 July 2007


well, not much to write about. i feel like i've been caught by a treadmill of everyday life. my life's been very schematic over recent couple of weeks: days of work + day off + work + off ... over and over again.

any special moments since my last post? i went to perth on friday where i stayed overnight at alice's. steven (aka "scuba") came down to perth, too. so we went out for a couple of drinks to a bar (one that paul brown works in), had fun chatting and enjoying our fancy coctails. on saturday morning i had to head back to the 'burgh because i was meant to work from 4pm.

another break away from my life's routine was sunday night. i went out to lava ignite with folks from work. i had a good time. though, a bad thing was that i mixed different kinds of alcohol and got a wee drunk, which resulted with a heavy hang-over on the next day. fortuntely, monday was my time off work, so i could stay in bed as long as possible.


1. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in your car? if you do not own a car, what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in the car you most frequently ride in? close to 0%

2. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you will eat ice cream sometime in the next four days? 15% - i usually eat ice cream when it's hot. since scotland is a relatively cold country, i don't eat it often.

3. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you’ll get a personal, handwritten greeting in the mail sometime in the next week? 90% - my sister sent me a card with greetings for my name day some time ago; but, due to a strike in postal services, i haven't received it yet.

4. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there will be rain in your neighborhood within the next forty-eight hours? 100% - edinburgh is all about rain.

5. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that in the next twenty-four hours, you will be in the same room as a naked person other than yourself? 1%, haha, you never know.

p.s. i watched "jarhead" yesterday evening. the title of this post comes from the movie. geneally, it doesn't mean anything. i chose it, because this post is about nothing in particular, only some random stuff.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

nihil novi sub sole ...

which means "there is nothing new under the sun" (ecclesiast). yeah, not much has been going on in edinburgh. i've been busy working for most of the time, scotland's been busy raining for all the time.

i realize it's a huge delay, but better now than never. time for friday5!

1) what’s something you wear only on special occasions, and when was the last time? make-up. halloween!
2) what’s something you consume only on special occasions, and when was the last time? pierogi (kind of noodles) with sauerkraut and mushroom filling. yummie! traditional christmas dish in poland.
3) who’s someone you see only on special occasions, and when was the last time? i think it's my family and polish friends. since coming to scotland, i have visited poland only twice, that is christmas and easter. i wish i could see all my nearest and dearest more often, but the distance between us makes it so hard. btw, i'm going home for two weeks at the end of august (29 aug - 14 sep), also in november (1-5 nov). i can't wait to meet everyone in bełchatów and warsaw!
4) from now on, you will commemorate every year on this date something that happened to you in the past twenty-four hours! what will it be? erm, because i should've answered the friday5 questions last friday, i'd answer this one as if it was that day. well, i celebrate something on 29th of june each year. it is my name day. thanks for calls and greetings to everyone who remembered. (if you don't know what a name day is, go here: besides, last friday i went to a cinema to see "shrek the third". should i celebrate "the shrek day" too?
5) what’s a unique special occasion you share with just a few people you know? annual christmas meetings with my closest friends. there have been 5 of such meetings so far. to list them all: 2002 - ola's house, 2003 - 7 grzechów pub, 2004 - gościniec restaurat, 2005 - ola's house, 2006 - emilia's and ola's flat in warsaw, 2007 - ???

other than that, i had a day off yesterday. i did a wee shopping on princess street. i bought some clothes. as well, there were huge summer sales in hmv and virgin stores. i bought 10 great movies for merely 30 quids! wooo-hoo. i already watched "the good girl" starring jennifer aniston. such a good film, a bit sad though. definitely, a must see.