Saturday 19 January 2008

off to london

just a quick post to let you know what's happening here. i arrived to london today. took a train from edinburgh to london via birmingham. 6 hour long journey passed pretty fast. i am staying at my sister's friends tonight in woodgreen. meeting bugi (ola b.) tomorrow afternoon... and tomorrow night is the night. spice girls reunion tour @ the o2 arena. i can't wait to see the show. am so excited about it! more news after the weekend.

spice girls! spice up my life!

Wednesday 16 January 2008

welcome in 2008 !

yeah, happy new year everybody!!! i hope 2k8 will bring lots of joy and happiness to your lives!

ooooh-lah-lah! it's been so long since i published my last post. what an irony! i said there that i would post more frequently. well, sorry for that. i don't want to promise it's gonna change, but i'll try more to write some stories about myself and my misery (vanitas vanitatum everyone!) ;P

i am not going to summarise everything that has happened to me since august. i'll just start as if it was the first post, though i am sure that i will recall here some past events time and again.

only thing i want to say is that i spent christmas and new year's time in poland. it was a great time. a lot of laugh and moments to keep in my memory. i uploaded photos from a new year's eve party on my facebook profile, so go there if you're interested to see what it was like.

now i am in edinburgh. it's wednesday evening and i am writing this entry instead of: i) going to a pub/club ii) getting prepared for economics classes iii) cleaning my room iv) washing dozens of dirty socks and t-shirts which have piled in my room's corner v) performing any other more useful and productive activity.

what else? hmmm... let me familiarise all of you with my timetable for this semester, just to show you what a busy man i am and how hard a student's life is. p.s.: i am too lazy to write down everything, so let me replace these long words "tutorial" and "lecture" with >t<>l< respectively.

monday: off
tuesday: 9.00 marketing t, 10.00 economics2 l, 13.10 career development planning l, 15.00 management science and information systems l, 16.10 marketing l
wednesday: off
thursday: 11.10 + 12.10 economics2 t, 13.10 career development planning l, 15.00 management science and information systems l, 16.10 marketing l
friday: 10.00 economics2 l, 11.10 + 12.10 management science and information systems t
saturday: off
sunday: off

i guess i'll fill out some of those "off's" with my beloved part-time job, only thinking of which drives me to depression and deep anxiety state ;0 ok. maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. i just don't like it, although i can't deny that money i get there is good. oh, and yeah, it is still cafe rougé on frederick street. come over if you are around. drinks on the house! of course only on my shifts! gaah! how generous i am! in the future, they should build me a memorial for that, or at least a statue in the princes street gardens.

omg. i'd forget! i opened a professional hair-saloon for men. i dyed stephen's hair twice today. of course i kept it a secret that it was the very first time in my life i did it. to cut a long story short, stephen wanted his naturally dark blonde hair to be lighter. first time, it turned into something between orange and coppery, although it said on the dye's packaging it should be silver blonde. right! anyway, me and stephen decided to give it another try. second time, stephen bought a new box of dye, which was supposed to turn his hair colour into ash blonde, for an attached photo showed a pretty lady with beautiful golden hair. don't know why, stephen's hair turned ginger! either there was something wrong with those dyes, or my skills of beautifying someone's else image failed. any of which, i reckon i need more heads to practise on. any volunteers? wanna discover a new you? just e-mail me or phone! success guaranteed! *

* in 99% of cases

Wednesday 8 August 2007

being 21

hey all. i realize it's been long since i wrote my last entry. i'll do my best to update this blog more often, so that you can know what is going on here.

well, i've been working a lot. the edinburgh festival started in the last week of july (running until early september) and thousands of tourists from all over the world have come to edinburgh to attend various events. to name a couple of them: the edinburgh jazz festival, the military tatoo festival, the fringe festival ... etc. it's been a very busy and hectic time in café rouge. now, i have to work twice as faster and twice as much as i did in june. the pace of work is crazy. the job has become very tiring and i don't enjoy it anymore. something like two weeks ago i even wanted to leave it after having had an argument with my stupid supervisor. then i talked to a manager and he asked me to stay and not take my supervisor's comments too personal. right! if only he spent a day working with that french idiot, he'd change his mind and sack him straight away.

another issue. i finally moved into my flat on dalkeith road. steven and i got our sets of keys on friday, ed moved in on monday. the flat is great. it's very big and looks really nice. actually, i dare say it is a mansion among students' flats. it's got 5 spacious bedrooms with double beds, a huge living room with comfy sofas, a dining table and a bay window. it is still a bit empty, though. we need to put posters on walls, bring a hi-fi, tv, play station and buy some more furniture so that it looks like a proper flat occupied by students.

if anyone needs the address, it goes: 159 (1f1) dalkeith road, edinburgh, eh16 5hq. second top buzzer, green door.

what else? i had unexpected guests in a previous week. alicja and ola arived to edinburgh to visit me for 4 days. i had such a good time then. at last i could forget about work and do something on my days off. we spent a lot of time visiting different places. i showed them the meadows, princess gardens, edinburgh castle. we climbed up the arthur's seat and went shopping on princess street. on sunday (30 july) we went for a day trip to st andrews, a picturesque town north of edinburgh. it took us two hours to get there and we had to change buses twice, but it was very worthwhile. we were all captivated by st andrews with its beautiful beach, harbour and ruins of an old castle. we took many pictures, as alicja and ola set a standard - at least 50 pictures a day! when i've got a next day off, i'll try to upload a couple of them and leave a link here.

and finally, i am already 21 !!!!!!! i don't know if it's a reason to celebrate and be proud of, or if it's a reason to be sad because i'm so old. anyways, i feel like i am in between of these two. it's quite depressing when you realise time goes by so quickly but on the other hand you still feel young and capable of achiving your life-time goals. besides, now i can do anything legally in any country of the world. woo-hoo! how did i spend my birthday? well, i didn't do much to be honest. a couple of people visited me (and ed), so we were staying in our flat for awhile, chatting, drinking lots of booze, eating chineese and my birthday cake. about 8ish we went out to two pubs and, at the end, we went to see a play "the worst toast i ever had", which was part of the fringe festival. that was the most weird play i've ever seen. there were things i didn't understand. basically, it was about life which is sometimes like a burnt toast that you put some jam on to cover a bitter taste, but then it attracts flies which, as far as my half-drunk understanding was correct, symbolized lies. yeah, so that is what my birthday was about. i guess i'll have another b-day party with my polish friends when i go home in 3 weeks, that is on august, 29th. i can't wait to go to poland. miss it so much!

Friday 13 July 2007

friday, 13th!

anybody experienced any kind of bad luck today?

i'm enjoying a day off. did nothing productive so far, apart from going shopping on princess street and to the uni sport centre. yeah, i did some (light) weight-lifting today and went to sauna afterwards.

anyway, not much to say in general. time for friday5 questions:

what’s a gross food you like anyway? pork liver with potatoes and onion rings

who’s an unlikeable person you like anyway? britney spears, she's stupid as hell, but i like her (someone kill me for admitting so)

what’s an unpleasant task you enjoy performing anyway? flying. i hate planes, but they always take me home

what’s a dumb song you enjoy anyway? asereje by las ketchup

what’s a lousy restaurant you frequent anyway? mcdonald's ... bigmac rocks!

Tuesday 10 July 2007


well, not much to write about. i feel like i've been caught by a treadmill of everyday life. my life's been very schematic over recent couple of weeks: days of work + day off + work + off ... over and over again.

any special moments since my last post? i went to perth on friday where i stayed overnight at alice's. steven (aka "scuba") came down to perth, too. so we went out for a couple of drinks to a bar (one that paul brown works in), had fun chatting and enjoying our fancy coctails. on saturday morning i had to head back to the 'burgh because i was meant to work from 4pm.

another break away from my life's routine was sunday night. i went out to lava ignite with folks from work. i had a good time. though, a bad thing was that i mixed different kinds of alcohol and got a wee drunk, which resulted with a heavy hang-over on the next day. fortuntely, monday was my time off work, so i could stay in bed as long as possible.


1. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in your car? if you do not own a car, what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in the car you most frequently ride in? close to 0%

2. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you will eat ice cream sometime in the next four days? 15% - i usually eat ice cream when it's hot. since scotland is a relatively cold country, i don't eat it often.

3. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you’ll get a personal, handwritten greeting in the mail sometime in the next week? 90% - my sister sent me a card with greetings for my name day some time ago; but, due to a strike in postal services, i haven't received it yet.

4. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there will be rain in your neighborhood within the next forty-eight hours? 100% - edinburgh is all about rain.

5. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that in the next twenty-four hours, you will be in the same room as a naked person other than yourself? 1%, haha, you never know.

p.s. i watched "jarhead" yesterday evening. the title of this post comes from the movie. geneally, it doesn't mean anything. i chose it, because this post is about nothing in particular, only some random stuff.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

nihil novi sub sole ...

which means "there is nothing new under the sun" (ecclesiast). yeah, not much has been going on in edinburgh. i've been busy working for most of the time, scotland's been busy raining for all the time.

i realize it's a huge delay, but better now than never. time for friday5!

1) what’s something you wear only on special occasions, and when was the last time? make-up. halloween!
2) what’s something you consume only on special occasions, and when was the last time? pierogi (kind of noodles) with sauerkraut and mushroom filling. yummie! traditional christmas dish in poland.
3) who’s someone you see only on special occasions, and when was the last time? i think it's my family and polish friends. since coming to scotland, i have visited poland only twice, that is christmas and easter. i wish i could see all my nearest and dearest more often, but the distance between us makes it so hard. btw, i'm going home for two weeks at the end of august (29 aug - 14 sep), also in november (1-5 nov). i can't wait to meet everyone in bełchatów and warsaw!
4) from now on, you will commemorate every year on this date something that happened to you in the past twenty-four hours! what will it be? erm, because i should've answered the friday5 questions last friday, i'd answer this one as if it was that day. well, i celebrate something on 29th of june each year. it is my name day. thanks for calls and greetings to everyone who remembered. (if you don't know what a name day is, go here: besides, last friday i went to a cinema to see "shrek the third". should i celebrate "the shrek day" too?
5) what’s a unique special occasion you share with just a few people you know? annual christmas meetings with my closest friends. there have been 5 of such meetings so far. to list them all: 2002 - ola's house, 2003 - 7 grzechów pub, 2004 - gościniec restaurat, 2005 - ola's house, 2006 - emilia's and ola's flat in warsaw, 2007 - ???

other than that, i had a day off yesterday. i did a wee shopping on princess street. i bought some clothes. as well, there were huge summer sales in hmv and virgin stores. i bought 10 great movies for merely 30 quids! wooo-hoo. i already watched "the good girl" starring jennifer aniston. such a good film, a bit sad though. definitely, a must see.

Monday 25 June 2007

news of last week

erm… not much was going on last week. it began with a day off on monday, the only sunny day of past 7 days. i can’t remember now if i did something productive on day that. i remember i was sitting on grass in a park reading a magazine for three hours. since tuesday it was only work, work and work. i know i’m complaining too much about work. i must accept the fact i have to work and face what i have realized recently: my finance sucks, so i’ve got to earn some money. it’s not much, yet it is money i’ll definitely need in the next academic year.

friday was supposed to be my another lazy day. well, it was not. i was phoned by people from a catering agency (the one i used to work for before i started employment in café rouge) asking me if i could replace a waiter at the musselburgh race course. to cut a long story short, i said ‘yes’ and it was my mistake. that was a long and tiring shift. at least i could watch all races for free and see horses from a very close distance. unfortunately, i couldn’t make any bets.

ooooof! i am not working today. looks like i’ll always have mondays off. which is so good, cause everybody knows that monday is a student night in pubs and clubs. bargains and price reductions on drinks and entry fee everywhere! yay! besides, many people arrived to edinburgh yesterday. so there is david, conor, paul, liam, phil and other guys. good to see them.

gossip of the week: emilia met pawel ciechowski on the okecie airport in warsaw!!! what a bad luck. at least for her. how come? they were going to the states on the same day around same hours. is there something i don't know? they were standing in neighbouring queues to check-in. the only difference was that one queue was to new york, while the other one to chicago... i know it is a random news and not everyone knows what i mean. i just thought it was so unexpected!

anything else?.... not! oh, well: friday5.

1) if you get the first choice of monopoly tokens, which do you choose? if someone else chooses it first, which is your second choice?
honestly speaking, i have never played monopoly in my life. simply because it was not popular in poland, at least when i was a kid.

2) what’s a board game you are especially bad at?
chess! they should label this game 'thinking required - not suitable for low iq people' (i've never forced my mind to do an iq test, but i guess i wouldn't score much)

3) what board game are you particularly good at?
don't know. everything depends on luck.

4) how competitive do you get while playing board games or party games?
quite competitive

5) what’s your favorite board game? what’s a board game you can’t stand?
eurobusiness, definitely! my favourite country is austria. i can't stand backgammon. don't like it.