Sunday 25 February 2007

i didn't mean what i meant *

well, at the beginning i'd like to explain why i haven't posted anything for so long. the reason is quite simple actually. i couldn't log on to my account. don't know why. once i cleared history and deleted temporary internet files, everything is working again.

so this is a short recap of what i've been up to recently:

basically, this week was my "reading week", which means i did have neither any lectures nor classes at university. just a week off, theoretically, to write essays, catch up on studying, revise academic stuff etc. of course, studying was the least thing anyone could think of during the reading week. to me this spare time was much about making money. haha! yes, i was working for three days. on monday and thursday - in a café in the scottish national gallery of modern art. yesterday i was working at the murrayfield stadium during the rugby game scotland v. italy. erm... bad news: scotland lost that match. on other days i was doing nothing but lazing around. i tried to get down to studying several times but the harder i tried, the more i failed. fortunately, i managed to finish my essay in business studies in previous week, so i'm only left with the essay in economics - the easier one.

what else? one very important issue has clarified this week. i already know who i'm going to live next year with, that is from september onwards. so, if nothing changes, my future flatmates will be: ed (from my flat), steven and liam (from 7/2)... and maybe, but not necessarily as this matter is still being discussed, ewan.

i'm pretty sure there were more things i wanted to cover in this post but i can't think of anything at the moment. i'll update it immidiately when something important comes to my mind.

up-date: it's an oscars night tonight. who's your favourite? which movie did you like most last year?

*) from bridget jones. watched it today.

Wednesday 14 February 2007

i hate valentine’s day

it reminds you if you don’t have someone that you’re alone. and if you do have someone you shouldn’t have to have a holiday to like remind someone that you care about them...

update: v-party @ city club was so good

Tuesday 13 February 2007

i kto to mówi?

"media [czyżby radio ma-jące-ryja?] tak urabiają opinię, myślenie ludzi [tj. moherów], jak chcą ich dysponenci, po to, żeby mieć pieniądze [oraz maybachy]. z kolei ci, którzy mają pieniądze [i chętkę na prywatne helikoptery], mogą mieć media i sprawować władzę [w parlamentarnych kulu-, erm tzn. pisu-arach]. to taki zamknięty trójkąt (...)" - powiedział ojciec tadek dla tygodnika "niedziela".

Sunday 11 February 2007

all you gotta do is dream

a short note only to capture briefly what's happened over the weekend.

so, i was working yesterday for 9 hours. it was mainly a waitery job, including serving meals and drinks as well as cleaning tables at a wedding reception. quite tiring but rewarding on the other hand. my agency pays me net £5.50 ph, which is sligltly higher than a minimum wage after all. when i finished work i took a rest for a while and intended to go to potterrow around 11 pm. when i finally went there, a queue to the club was extremely massive so i decided to go back to darroch court. fortunately, i met girls from flat 7/10 on my way there. they were going to the movies for a night screening of "dreamgirls". so i joined them and we went to the vue cinema. the film was very good. i really enjoyed it. i never liked beyoncé knowles very much but now i've changed my mind. i think she's great. she's beautiful. she's cute and she's got talent. dreamgirls rock!

today, i woke up at noon and since then i've been reading for my bs essay and studying all the time. not finished yet. right now i'm having only a tea break. funny thing is that i can't concentrate on what i am actually reading and i keep losing the thread because i still hear that song in my head "we're your dreamgirls, boy, dreamgirls will never leave you... dreamgirls, yeah, yeah... [tralalalala] dreams!" lol!

Friday 9 February 2007

the silicon chip ...

... inside my head gets switched to overload. yeah, and it's not a joke. recent two days i spent reading recommended books for my business studies essay. i decided to choose a topic about british trade unions and their diminishing role since 1980s. sucks! today i've been going through "industrial relations: theory and practice" i'm sick of this. seems like i'm already experiencing the >yuck factor<

another news to add on to this post is that i've registered with a job agency this week. the consequence of that move is that i'm working tomorrow for 8 hours. i'm gonna serve wine and other liquors. huh! i hope i won't spill it on someone's shirt. wish me luck!

right, i'm going to bed. i'm exhausted because i spent two hours at gym today, and that was the only break i took between reading the chapters.

Sunday 4 February 2007

happy b-day 2 steven

well, well, well. this weekend was pretty good actually. oh, damn! i said it again. i've noticed i use word "actually" too often. i've got to get rid of this word from my memory.

so what happened?

on saturday it was steven's birthday. there was a party in 7/2 with all those nice decorations and balloons. quite a lot of people turned up, so the flat was momentally a bit overcrowded. lol! no surprise! after all a poster on our stair's door said: "we cordially invite everyone to steven j. wilson's annual birthday party. saturday, flat 7/2, starts 8pm. all are welcome (even whores!)" at around 11-ish most of the people went to potterrow, including me, of course. how couldn't i go to "the big cheese"??? unfortunately, we had to wait for almost an hour in a massive queue in front of the club. it was really freezing cold, and i had only a very light and thin shirt on. finally, when we all got in, the party began. what can i say? there was plenty of dancing and drinking. we went back to darroch court at 3am and ate steven's stock of potato wedges and frozen pizzas before i went to bed. which was far too late...

because i had to wake up very early on sunday. and when i say very early, i really mean it. so, i was awoken at 7am after less than 3 hours of low-quality nap. the reason for that moring rouse was that tomek (my friend from poland, doing chemistry at the university of edinburgh) planned and organized a day trip to pentland hills. our expedition group were mainly polish and french. we took a bus to balerno, where we started a walk. a trek was almost 6 hours long and during that time we managed to climb three summits, inlcuding scald law - the highest peak. it was so exhausting. hillsides were quite steep and it was very cold and windy. but i think it was worth going there. the views were amazing, and it was nice to meet some polish people and talk in my mother tounge. i can't wait to take another trip like the one today. (visit to see some pictures)