Tuesday 30 January 2007

let the rain come down and wake my dreams *

dunzo! today i finished watching season 1 of a popular mtv drama "laguna beach". it was soooo cool. my favourite character of that season was definitely lo. she was so cute and sweet! i loved her gestures, voice, style, clothes... everything. when it comes to comment on a battle: lauren (aka lc) vs. kristin, i don't know who the winner is. there were things about both of them i liked and disliked. lauren seemed to be more gentle, classy and calm, whereas kirsten was more aggresive, flirtatious and direct. they're both beautiful and they attract same guys. i'm watching season 2 from tomorrow, so the drama is still on.

another news:
#1 archery was great yesterday. i was working mainly on my posture while shooting an arrow. it's quite difficult but i hope i'll pick up the correct techinque soon.
#2 pics from cerian's birthday party are available on facebook.com

*) from an opening song to "laguna"

Sunday 28 January 2007

weekend news

i went for a free novice session to the edinburgh university archery club. it was so cool. archery looks like an easy thing to do, but, apparently, things are not as easy as they seem to be. it’s quite difficult to focus on a correct posture and shooting a bow at the same time. besides, one has to be quite strong to hold a big and heavy bow so that arms don’t shake when targeting. well, i’m definitely into archery. i wanna practise it more, so on monday i’m going to buy a membership in the euac. after trying my strength in archery i went to teviot to play pool for about an hour, or maybe a bit longer, and then went back to darroch court. guys were playing poker in our kitchen (each of them contributing £2 to the game, ha! gambling in 7/1) and i went to bed because i felt very tired.

nothing special happened before the evening. about 8 o’clock we went to 7/6 (which is a morgan’s and carol’s flat) and started watching a sick japanese movie about teens killing one another. generally, there was lots of blood spilling and i didn’t get the point in that movie. probably, because half-way i had a short break for a joint. ohh, that was very strong weed. for next two hours i was so amazingly stoned! my eyes were almost as red as christina augilera’s lipstick. when all that high was gone, i suddenly realized we (me, completely drunk charlie, liam and sophie) were watching a film starring lindsay lohan. i think the title was “mean girls”, but i’m not sure.

right. i woke up about 11 am. didn’t do much actually. only some random stuff like washing and ironing my clothes, tidying my room, doing the shopping. i went to a gym in the afternoon, but not for long. didn’t want to get tired because otherwise i would be exhausted in the evening, which is the last thing one needs for a weekend night out. so we had a wee pre-party in 7/2 and afterwards we headed off to potterrow for a big cheese. the party was pretty good. lots of dancing and drinking as usually. to cut the story short, we (that is me, sophie, charlie, bleeding liam and kirsten) ended up in 7/5 at 3:30 am eating garlic bread and pizza. yummie! good end for a good day.

studying. breakfast. studying. phone call to ola ilnicka. studying. supper. studying. economics online test. scored 18/20. yay! end of studying. phone call to mom. high time for a dinner...

post scriptum:

it’s been a long, long weekend. hopefully, next weekend will be at least equally cool.

Wednesday 24 January 2007


hoooray! i booked a flight to go home for easter break. dates are as follows:
29.03.07 : edinburgh-warsaw 17:40 - 21:20
13.04.07 : warsaw-edinburgh 08:00 - 09:55
the schedule above shows local times. just in case someone would like to collect me from airports.

what else...
i spent 3 hours today in the ocean terminal. did a big shopping! i love spending money. to be honest, the reason for going there was to look for some part-time job. i left my cv in 5 places. january is a silent time, so i doubt that anyone will bother to call me back. in one restaurant, though, i was told they will need a waiter in about two weeks... so, who knows?

economics tutorial was soooooo boring today. i wasn't prepared to it. everybody was surprised because i always have all the tasks done in advance. unfortunately, not that time. so i was sitting there for two hours thinking about nothing in particular and putting an "x" on the back cover of my notebook every time another 5 minutes passed. to recompensate for all that lost time i spent there i could at least observe that beautiful view of edinburgh from 11th floor of david hume tower. uuh! breath-taking.

last thing to add to this post. yesterday i attended an interview for a summer job only to hear after 3 quarters of my precious life-time spent at the interview that a guy who i was talking to "didn't find in me the character traits he was looking for, blah-blah-blah..." what special traits does one need to sell fuckin' books?!! erm? anyone tell me, please.

Sunday 21 January 2007

enzo bettiza, „la stampa”

„polska jest nieszczęśliwym krajem, w którym trwa wojna na donosy i archiwa komunistycznych służb i gdzie „wszechwładzę” sprawują bracia kaczyńscy, radio maryja i ipn. (…)

od mniej niż roku działają w sposób niepohamowany faraońskie machiny donosów, chronione przez władze i mające dwuznaczne błogosławieństwo medialnego imperium radia maryja, pseudo- religijnej fundacji stworzonej i zarządzanej z plebejskim sukcesem przez duchownego ultranacjonalistę i antysemitę. (…)

taki paralelny świat, na swój sposób spiskowy i pełen teczek, w każdym razie niejasny, wydaje się mieć w wielkiej pogardzie teraźniejszość polski spokojnej i europejskiej. (…)

to nieszczęsna i tragikomiczna polska xxi wieku, źle rządzona przez cyrkowych bliźniaków, którzy pławią się w zatrutych kartach przeszłości, upokorzona przez dostojnika kościelnego, który przyznaje się do szpiegowania na rzecz komunistów, sterroryzowana przez świeckie katedry pamięci, gdzie bezlitosne i instrumentalne ręce mieszają ze sobą na kilometrowych półkach biografie autentycznych sprawców i sprytnie wrobionych niewinnych ludzi. (…)

być może samym polakom trudno zdać sobie sprawę z tego, co dzieje się w polsce, która zdaje się być zablokowana przez paraliżujące historyczne zwarcie.”

Sunday 14 January 2007

dare to dream

because you never know what your future holds ...

wow! i've just realized that exactly a year ago, on saturday 14 jan 2006, i did one of the best or the most stupid decisions in my life. on that day i applied for the university of edinburgh (and the uni of glasgow as well). it was such a spontaneous decision! in the morning that day i said to myself "i wish i could study somewhere abroad" and in the evening i sent my application to ucas (universities and colleges admission services) in the uk. it was more for fun, i treated it rather as a joke. i was like: "i don't lose anything by applying [oh, well, forget about £15 application fee]. why shouldn't i give it a try? i can do it and will see what happens next." why did i choose scotland? i have no idea. simply, it was a random choice. why didn't i apply anywhere else, even though i could apply for 6 universities in the uk? no idea, either. anyway, what happened next (to my very big surprise!) was that early in march i received "successful - conditional" offers from both universities. conditional meant that the offers were subject to passing an additional english language exam (ielts), which i took in june receiving 7.5 out of 9.0 (my condition was 6.5). before making any further decisions, i went to edinburgh in march 2006 to attend the university open days. i remember that while i was trying to get to the uni central area i met an american woman on a bus. she took a seat next to me and we started talking. she said she had spent her summer holidays in edinburgh 6 years ago. she loved the city so much that without any hesitation she had left california and moved to scotland. also, she said to me "if you do the same, you won't regret. i can promise it. you'll love the city as i do." and that was a moment when i realized i wanted to study in edinburgh. i whispered: "if i ever come here again, i wanna come here as a student of the edinburgh university". what can i say... my dream came true and it still lives on.

Wednesday 10 January 2007



don't know why i'm writing this.... just to let you know that i'm drunk! today i went to the 3 sisters with guys from 7/2 and ed, and naomi, had 2 pints of beer (carling sucks!) then came back to darroch court and found out that stephen threw a party in our kitchen, so i drank 2 shots with his fellows. adding a few cigarettes and one cigar to it... the result is that i'm done for today.

i'm going to bed. see you tomorrow in the world of people suffering from hang-over. cheers!

Tuesday 9 January 2007

no comment yet

erm, i published a link to this blog on facebook, but seems like nobody has visited it yet. at least, no one has bothered to leave a comment.

in case someone, who doesn't know me, makes a visit to this site wonderng how to read my name, i hope this will be of some help:

pawel >> read it like puv-ewh (accent falls on "puv").

Monday 8 January 2007

welcome to my story

okey, so... let's start

some people may still remember, some may not, i used to have a blog (lol, it rhymes) but i didn't update it, so i decided to close it down. and i did so. now i'm opening another blog. hopefully, it will live a bit longer. unfortunatelly, i can't promise it, however i'll do my best to publish a note from time to time.

to those who don't know: english is not my first language and will never be. i was born in poland, grew up in poland, so i speak and think in polish. i guess i'll post sometimes in my mother tounge too. nevertheless, this blog is targeted mainly at english-speaking audience. being now in edinburgh i keep talking (or it's better to say "try talking") in english, therefore i hope it won't be much problematic to express my thoughts, sometimes in a direct way, sometimes indirectly. well, we'll see. what i can add is that i'll try not to make intelectual labirynths from simple things.

right. guess that's enough for the first entry. whoever you are, if you want to listen to some more of my story, if you enjoy reading about how much my life sucks, or occasionally how great it is, then ... welcome

#1 note

just checking how it works