Monday 8 January 2007

welcome to my story

okey, so... let's start

some people may still remember, some may not, i used to have a blog (lol, it rhymes) but i didn't update it, so i decided to close it down. and i did so. now i'm opening another blog. hopefully, it will live a bit longer. unfortunatelly, i can't promise it, however i'll do my best to publish a note from time to time.

to those who don't know: english is not my first language and will never be. i was born in poland, grew up in poland, so i speak and think in polish. i guess i'll post sometimes in my mother tounge too. nevertheless, this blog is targeted mainly at english-speaking audience. being now in edinburgh i keep talking (or it's better to say "try talking") in english, therefore i hope it won't be much problematic to express my thoughts, sometimes in a direct way, sometimes indirectly. well, we'll see. what i can add is that i'll try not to make intelectual labirynths from simple things.

right. guess that's enough for the first entry. whoever you are, if you want to listen to some more of my story, if you enjoy reading about how much my life sucks, or occasionally how great it is, then ... welcome

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