Sunday 28 January 2007

weekend news

i went for a free novice session to the edinburgh university archery club. it was so cool. archery looks like an easy thing to do, but, apparently, things are not as easy as they seem to be. it’s quite difficult to focus on a correct posture and shooting a bow at the same time. besides, one has to be quite strong to hold a big and heavy bow so that arms don’t shake when targeting. well, i’m definitely into archery. i wanna practise it more, so on monday i’m going to buy a membership in the euac. after trying my strength in archery i went to teviot to play pool for about an hour, or maybe a bit longer, and then went back to darroch court. guys were playing poker in our kitchen (each of them contributing £2 to the game, ha! gambling in 7/1) and i went to bed because i felt very tired.

nothing special happened before the evening. about 8 o’clock we went to 7/6 (which is a morgan’s and carol’s flat) and started watching a sick japanese movie about teens killing one another. generally, there was lots of blood spilling and i didn’t get the point in that movie. probably, because half-way i had a short break for a joint. ohh, that was very strong weed. for next two hours i was so amazingly stoned! my eyes were almost as red as christina augilera’s lipstick. when all that high was gone, i suddenly realized we (me, completely drunk charlie, liam and sophie) were watching a film starring lindsay lohan. i think the title was “mean girls”, but i’m not sure.

right. i woke up about 11 am. didn’t do much actually. only some random stuff like washing and ironing my clothes, tidying my room, doing the shopping. i went to a gym in the afternoon, but not for long. didn’t want to get tired because otherwise i would be exhausted in the evening, which is the last thing one needs for a weekend night out. so we had a wee pre-party in 7/2 and afterwards we headed off to potterrow for a big cheese. the party was pretty good. lots of dancing and drinking as usually. to cut the story short, we (that is me, sophie, charlie, bleeding liam and kirsten) ended up in 7/5 at 3:30 am eating garlic bread and pizza. yummie! good end for a good day.

studying. breakfast. studying. phone call to ola ilnicka. studying. supper. studying. economics online test. scored 18/20. yay! end of studying. phone call to mom. high time for a dinner...

post scriptum:

it’s been a long, long weekend. hopefully, next weekend will be at least equally cool.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! thats definitely long, crazy weekend. To be honest, im really impressed. Pawel was soo polite... he never drink too much and... never eat at the middle of night! ha ha take care x x

Meredith said...

you watched battle royale! never seen it...kind of want to, but kind of don't. I just finished reading that book, though. haha