Wednesday 8 August 2007

being 21

hey all. i realize it's been long since i wrote my last entry. i'll do my best to update this blog more often, so that you can know what is going on here.

well, i've been working a lot. the edinburgh festival started in the last week of july (running until early september) and thousands of tourists from all over the world have come to edinburgh to attend various events. to name a couple of them: the edinburgh jazz festival, the military tatoo festival, the fringe festival ... etc. it's been a very busy and hectic time in café rouge. now, i have to work twice as faster and twice as much as i did in june. the pace of work is crazy. the job has become very tiring and i don't enjoy it anymore. something like two weeks ago i even wanted to leave it after having had an argument with my stupid supervisor. then i talked to a manager and he asked me to stay and not take my supervisor's comments too personal. right! if only he spent a day working with that french idiot, he'd change his mind and sack him straight away.

another issue. i finally moved into my flat on dalkeith road. steven and i got our sets of keys on friday, ed moved in on monday. the flat is great. it's very big and looks really nice. actually, i dare say it is a mansion among students' flats. it's got 5 spacious bedrooms with double beds, a huge living room with comfy sofas, a dining table and a bay window. it is still a bit empty, though. we need to put posters on walls, bring a hi-fi, tv, play station and buy some more furniture so that it looks like a proper flat occupied by students.

if anyone needs the address, it goes: 159 (1f1) dalkeith road, edinburgh, eh16 5hq. second top buzzer, green door.

what else? i had unexpected guests in a previous week. alicja and ola arived to edinburgh to visit me for 4 days. i had such a good time then. at last i could forget about work and do something on my days off. we spent a lot of time visiting different places. i showed them the meadows, princess gardens, edinburgh castle. we climbed up the arthur's seat and went shopping on princess street. on sunday (30 july) we went for a day trip to st andrews, a picturesque town north of edinburgh. it took us two hours to get there and we had to change buses twice, but it was very worthwhile. we were all captivated by st andrews with its beautiful beach, harbour and ruins of an old castle. we took many pictures, as alicja and ola set a standard - at least 50 pictures a day! when i've got a next day off, i'll try to upload a couple of them and leave a link here.

and finally, i am already 21 !!!!!!! i don't know if it's a reason to celebrate and be proud of, or if it's a reason to be sad because i'm so old. anyways, i feel like i am in between of these two. it's quite depressing when you realise time goes by so quickly but on the other hand you still feel young and capable of achiving your life-time goals. besides, now i can do anything legally in any country of the world. woo-hoo! how did i spend my birthday? well, i didn't do much to be honest. a couple of people visited me (and ed), so we were staying in our flat for awhile, chatting, drinking lots of booze, eating chineese and my birthday cake. about 8ish we went out to two pubs and, at the end, we went to see a play "the worst toast i ever had", which was part of the fringe festival. that was the most weird play i've ever seen. there were things i didn't understand. basically, it was about life which is sometimes like a burnt toast that you put some jam on to cover a bitter taste, but then it attracts flies which, as far as my half-drunk understanding was correct, symbolized lies. yeah, so that is what my birthday was about. i guess i'll have another b-day party with my polish friends when i go home in 3 weeks, that is on august, 29th. i can't wait to go to poland. miss it so much!

Friday 13 July 2007

friday, 13th!

anybody experienced any kind of bad luck today?

i'm enjoying a day off. did nothing productive so far, apart from going shopping on princess street and to the uni sport centre. yeah, i did some (light) weight-lifting today and went to sauna afterwards.

anyway, not much to say in general. time for friday5 questions:

what’s a gross food you like anyway? pork liver with potatoes and onion rings

who’s an unlikeable person you like anyway? britney spears, she's stupid as hell, but i like her (someone kill me for admitting so)

what’s an unpleasant task you enjoy performing anyway? flying. i hate planes, but they always take me home

what’s a dumb song you enjoy anyway? asereje by las ketchup

what’s a lousy restaurant you frequent anyway? mcdonald's ... bigmac rocks!

Tuesday 10 July 2007


well, not much to write about. i feel like i've been caught by a treadmill of everyday life. my life's been very schematic over recent couple of weeks: days of work + day off + work + off ... over and over again.

any special moments since my last post? i went to perth on friday where i stayed overnight at alice's. steven (aka "scuba") came down to perth, too. so we went out for a couple of drinks to a bar (one that paul brown works in), had fun chatting and enjoying our fancy coctails. on saturday morning i had to head back to the 'burgh because i was meant to work from 4pm.

another break away from my life's routine was sunday night. i went out to lava ignite with folks from work. i had a good time. though, a bad thing was that i mixed different kinds of alcohol and got a wee drunk, which resulted with a heavy hang-over on the next day. fortuntely, monday was my time off work, so i could stay in bed as long as possible.


1. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in your car? if you do not own a car, what are the chances that there is a french fry somewhere in the car you most frequently ride in? close to 0%

2. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you will eat ice cream sometime in the next four days? 15% - i usually eat ice cream when it's hot. since scotland is a relatively cold country, i don't eat it often.

3. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that you’ll get a personal, handwritten greeting in the mail sometime in the next week? 90% - my sister sent me a card with greetings for my name day some time ago; but, due to a strike in postal services, i haven't received it yet.

4. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that there will be rain in your neighborhood within the next forty-eight hours? 100% - edinburgh is all about rain.

5. given as a percentage, approximately what are the chances that in the next twenty-four hours, you will be in the same room as a naked person other than yourself? 1%, haha, you never know.

p.s. i watched "jarhead" yesterday evening. the title of this post comes from the movie. geneally, it doesn't mean anything. i chose it, because this post is about nothing in particular, only some random stuff.

Tuesday 3 July 2007

nihil novi sub sole ...

which means "there is nothing new under the sun" (ecclesiast). yeah, not much has been going on in edinburgh. i've been busy working for most of the time, scotland's been busy raining for all the time.

i realize it's a huge delay, but better now than never. time for friday5!

1) what’s something you wear only on special occasions, and when was the last time? make-up. halloween!
2) what’s something you consume only on special occasions, and when was the last time? pierogi (kind of noodles) with sauerkraut and mushroom filling. yummie! traditional christmas dish in poland.
3) who’s someone you see only on special occasions, and when was the last time? i think it's my family and polish friends. since coming to scotland, i have visited poland only twice, that is christmas and easter. i wish i could see all my nearest and dearest more often, but the distance between us makes it so hard. btw, i'm going home for two weeks at the end of august (29 aug - 14 sep), also in november (1-5 nov). i can't wait to meet everyone in bełchatów and warsaw!
4) from now on, you will commemorate every year on this date something that happened to you in the past twenty-four hours! what will it be? erm, because i should've answered the friday5 questions last friday, i'd answer this one as if it was that day. well, i celebrate something on 29th of june each year. it is my name day. thanks for calls and greetings to everyone who remembered. (if you don't know what a name day is, go here: besides, last friday i went to a cinema to see "shrek the third". should i celebrate "the shrek day" too?
5) what’s a unique special occasion you share with just a few people you know? annual christmas meetings with my closest friends. there have been 5 of such meetings so far. to list them all: 2002 - ola's house, 2003 - 7 grzechów pub, 2004 - gościniec restaurat, 2005 - ola's house, 2006 - emilia's and ola's flat in warsaw, 2007 - ???

other than that, i had a day off yesterday. i did a wee shopping on princess street. i bought some clothes. as well, there were huge summer sales in hmv and virgin stores. i bought 10 great movies for merely 30 quids! wooo-hoo. i already watched "the good girl" starring jennifer aniston. such a good film, a bit sad though. definitely, a must see.

Monday 25 June 2007

news of last week

erm… not much was going on last week. it began with a day off on monday, the only sunny day of past 7 days. i can’t remember now if i did something productive on day that. i remember i was sitting on grass in a park reading a magazine for three hours. since tuesday it was only work, work and work. i know i’m complaining too much about work. i must accept the fact i have to work and face what i have realized recently: my finance sucks, so i’ve got to earn some money. it’s not much, yet it is money i’ll definitely need in the next academic year.

friday was supposed to be my another lazy day. well, it was not. i was phoned by people from a catering agency (the one i used to work for before i started employment in café rouge) asking me if i could replace a waiter at the musselburgh race course. to cut a long story short, i said ‘yes’ and it was my mistake. that was a long and tiring shift. at least i could watch all races for free and see horses from a very close distance. unfortunately, i couldn’t make any bets.

ooooof! i am not working today. looks like i’ll always have mondays off. which is so good, cause everybody knows that monday is a student night in pubs and clubs. bargains and price reductions on drinks and entry fee everywhere! yay! besides, many people arrived to edinburgh yesterday. so there is david, conor, paul, liam, phil and other guys. good to see them.

gossip of the week: emilia met pawel ciechowski on the okecie airport in warsaw!!! what a bad luck. at least for her. how come? they were going to the states on the same day around same hours. is there something i don't know? they were standing in neighbouring queues to check-in. the only difference was that one queue was to new york, while the other one to chicago... i know it is a random news and not everyone knows what i mean. i just thought it was so unexpected!

anything else?.... not! oh, well: friday5.

1) if you get the first choice of monopoly tokens, which do you choose? if someone else chooses it first, which is your second choice?
honestly speaking, i have never played monopoly in my life. simply because it was not popular in poland, at least when i was a kid.

2) what’s a board game you are especially bad at?
chess! they should label this game 'thinking required - not suitable for low iq people' (i've never forced my mind to do an iq test, but i guess i wouldn't score much)

3) what board game are you particularly good at?
don't know. everything depends on luck.

4) how competitive do you get while playing board games or party games?
quite competitive

5) what’s your favorite board game? what’s a board game you can’t stand?
eurobusiness, definitely! my favourite country is austria. i can't stand backgammon. don't like it.

Friday 15 June 2007

my first friday5

i got it from meredith, meredith got it from kelli, kelli got it from let's start...

1. what’s something you were into before it became popular?
mortal kombat pc games

2. what’s something you were reluctant to jump on the bandwagon with, but now are totally into?
sports, dancing, jazz music

3. what’s a current trend or fad you just don’t get?
those skin-tight jeans that you can't even bend your knees in

4. if you could turn any current fondness of yours into a popular trend, what would it be?
healthy living (no more obesity or smoking - i managed to fight both)

5. what’s something that’s totally uncool that you love anyway?
old britney's hits... uh, they remind me of crazy junior high school times

anything else from here? erm, not much. generally, i spend most of my time either working or sleeping. i moved in to paul’s flat yeterday, where i am going to stay for about 2 months (i’m getting keys to my flat on 3rd august). laura’s flat, the one that i was staying in since leaving darroch court, was only temporary. so, my new address is 22/3 panmure place, edinburgh... just in case anybody wants to mail me

p.s. happy birthday to alice (it's your "19th" so rock your world today) and marta (all the best, sis' for the lucky "24")

Friday 8 June 2007

o sole mio

i hate the weather in edinburgh! it drives me really crazy. it doesn't have all the nice characteristics the polish climate does. it has neither sun in summer, nor snow in winter. all the year round it's pretty much the same: lots of clouds, rain and wind. sometimes with a bit of sunny moments. but that 'sometimes' means more 'very occasionally' rather than 'from time to time', or in other words 'between rains'. to give you an example of what i hate:

friday, 8 june a.d. 2007
belchatow (my hometown) - max day temperature 27 (in celsius scale), min night temp 15
edinburgh - max day temp 16, min night temp 10 (fuckin' freezing cold)

one day i said to someone: "i hate rain!" in response i heard: "man, you're in a wrong country". am i?

btw, i got the management accountancy result today. scored 73%, which i'm really satisfied with. hooray!

Monday 4 June 2007

it sucks to be me

well, well, well... another week passed. on tuesday i moved out of darroch court and have been staying in laura's flat on montague street since then. the flat has got a good location, it's quite close to the city centre and within a walking distance to my new work (café rouge). speaking of which, i was working for the whole weekend. 8 hours on friday, 10 on saturday and 8 yesterday. it was very exhausting. fortunately, i've got a day off today (and on friday as well). i've been put on a full time rota for this week, which means my short summer time has ended. now it's only work and work. blaaah, i hate life!

right, i'd better stop this moaning. after all i wanted that job. maybe it's not gonna be so bad. today is a free day, so i can laze around and do nothing. so yeah, i woke up at noon, did some shopping, ate good lunch and now i'm sitting in a computer lab in hugh robson building. i'm going to a gym and sauna soon. evening is a movies' time. i'm going to watch some films; haven't decided on them yet, though.

anything else? well, i might add something about the weather in edinburgh: it has been shite! rainy, windy and chilly in general. i dream of polish summer - warm, sunny days and uncloudy sky. ahh, dreaming should be banned. it only makes people unable to act and confirms them in the belief that their lives suck...

Monday 28 May 2007

i hate goodbyes

first in, last out. that's about me. i'm moving out from darroch court for good tomorrow in the morning. i'll take my suit case and say "goodbye" to darroch. sad. i have already taken some of my stuff to laura's flat, where i am going to stay for at least two weeks.

i remember the day i moved in to 7/1 darroch. saturday, 9th of september. i was a first person to collect keys to my flat. now i'm leaving as the last one. weegy stephen moved out almost two weeks ago, fadhil did it on saturday, paul yesterday, ed today in the morning. that means i had to do the worst thing - defrost and clean a freezer and fridge in our kitchen. bastards!

yesterday, we had a nice evening. i mean me, ed, liam, laura and sophie. we spent it hanging out together, drinking rum, eating chineese take-away, chatting ... etc. i'll miss such get-togethers. next one in september.

what else? i got a job! actually, i got two jobs, but i had to reject one. so, i was offered a vacancy in a french restaurant (café rouge, on frederick street) and starbucks. i had two trials in café rouge on friday and today. a manager told me i did a good job, though i still have to learn a lot of things. i'm starting working full time on friday. it's gonna be very busy. huh, a bit scary, but i have to get used to it. after all this restaurant is so close to princess street. there is one downside of working there, though. one guy from a bar is a pain in the arse. i don't like him and i think he doesn't like me either. grrr! i'll try to be friendly but if he really pisses me off... then i'll talk to him like a man talks to a man. haha! hope, i won't have to do that.

right, i have to finish packing my stuff. have a great summer, everyone (whoever reads this blog) !!!!!

Sunday 20 May 2007

long time, no word

high time to update. so, i sat my last exam on friday a week ago. management accountancy was not as bad as i thought it would be. i feel i did pretty well. i managed to answer fully a long quantitative question! essay topics were not that difficult as well. i hope i'll get a good mark for accounting.

then, when it was all over, there was a time to celebrate. well, a couple of days, actually. that meant going to pubs, clubs and, generally, lazing around and doing useless stuff.

i was working this week quite a lot, too. on thursday i was serving at a posh party in balerno. huh! people threw a party for their 80 friends only to celebrate the fact that they got a new gate. and it wasn't even a front gate! lol! merely one in the back of the garden. so, they had a reason to invite their posh friends and pay 38,000 quids for it!!! on friday i was serving at the annual scottish law society party in the signet library. on saturday - the poshest party of the poshest i've ever worked at - the lord high commissioner's garden party in the holyrood palace. basically, it was an event with royal family members, including prince andrew. haha! i had much fun seeing all those elderly women wearing high-heels and big hats being blown away by wind from time to time.

what else? i think i'm going to stay in edinburgh for at least two months. i began to look for some job for the summer. haven't found anything so far, unfortunately. i have this catering job, but i want to change it. i'm looking for something more stable with fixed hours. hopefully, next week i'll have more luck.

yesterday evening was great! the official 'end of term party' @ potterrow. the big cheese - just like in the freshers' week. many people from darroch court came up. it was so cool to see everyone together before they go home. after the party guys and i went to the parliament for random talks and generally reminiscing all that's happened to us this year (with all its ups and downs it was a great year, i'll never forget it). we came back to our hall after 4 am, soon before downing.

Sunday 6 May 2007


a short survey, merely one question:

does any one ever read this blog ???

yeah, so if you do, let me know. comment on my posts or just write your name. even simple "me!" would do if you want to stay kind of anonymous (i can still check your ip, haha, this is my higher power)

Friday 4 May 2007

vivat maj, 3 maj! a ty, justin, graj nam, graj!

so this week i had a guest. ola came to edinburgh on monday and left to birmingham today in the morning. on monday we had a short tour of edinburgh. went to the princess street, royal mile, holyrood park, princess gardens ... etc. in the evening that day, together with other people from darroch, we went to le monde, too. next day? on tuesday we went to the edinburgh zoo for most of the day. we saw nesting pinguins laying their eggs, had fun watching indocile monkeys, tauched cold snakes and mocked noisy parrots. wednesday was a rather quiet day. ola and i went up the royal mile to the edinburgh castle as well as climbed the arthur's seat from where we had a picturesque view on edinburgh, lothinan, pentland hills, firth of forth and even fife. we spent at least two hours sitting on the summit, talking about old good days and watching planes landing in and taking off from the airport, ships coming to the port... it was a great time. and i had someone who i could speak to in my mother tounge.

and then - thursday, a culmination day. ola and i went to glasgow to a justin timberlake's "the 2007 futuresex / loveshow" concert. it was fantastic! i've never been a huge fan of him, but now i've changed my mind. i think he did a great job. the show i saw was amazing. i loved the songs ("what goes around", "sexyback", "cry me a river", "rock your body" and "damn girl"), scene, dancers, choreography, place (the secc). i had a good time there and, undoubtfully, the money i paid for the concert was worth it. justin rocked in glasgow yesterday!

Monday 30 April 2007

post-examination relaxation

so i finally took the business studies exam on friday. it was rather difficult, but i managed to write something on each question. results to be announced due to end of june. i hope to pass it. though, you never know what's gonna happen. as they say in poland: hope is a mother of the foolish (nadzieja matką głupich).

the weekend was quite relaxing. i didn't do much. mostly unwinding, watching dvd movies, sitting on the sofas in a messy kitchen of 7/2, seeing ed get stoned again and irish steven trying to speak with italian accent. haha! i also went to work for five hours yesterday to the café in the gallery of modern art. need to put by some £££'s for the next year. it wasn't busy at all so it was easy money to earn.

believe it or not, it's almost 9:30 am right now and i've been awake for more than an hour. the reason? yeah, my friend ola is coming to visit me in edinburgh today. i gotta collect her from the airport around 2-ish. before that, i have to tidy my room, do the laundry, do the shopping and all that stuff. i've got a terrible mess in my room, so it will take me hours to clean it all up. looks like i need to get down to work... gaaah!

Tuesday 24 April 2007


uhhh! i'm fed up with revising. i can't study anymore. my mind is already overfilled. it's like a sponge that cannot take any more water. so far i've gone through strategic management and finance. tomorrow i'm doing marketing.

i had a great night yesterday but it cost me a lot today. how come? well, we (me, charley, sophie, alice, katie, steven, phil, liam, chris, paul and ewan) went to le monde and espionage. i don't remember what was the reason for that monday go-out. something connected with paul and his philosophy girlfriend... don't know. the result was that i got completely drunk. and not only me. i had a really good time though, but... i've been suffering from a heavy hang-over today. and, as usually, i promised myself not to drink that much anymore. i wonder how long i'll manage to keep the promise.

Sunday 22 April 2007

back to the 'burgh

so i came back to scotland on friday a week ago. not much has happened in my life since then. i have done a little bit of a revision for an exam in business, which i am sitting on friday, april 27th. to be honest, i don't care about the mark. i only want to pass it. the exam's structure isn't that bad. there will be 8 questions, each concerning a different module i took this year. i'll have to choose 4 questions and write short essays on the chosen modules unless they are quantitative (for example in finance or management science).

what else? i was working on three days this week. nothing special, apart from one thing. on thursday i was serving at a party in the scone palace in perth. the party was thrown by the earl of mansfield who was the palace's owner. his two daughters were present there. one of them was very pretty. gaaah, she was beautiful!!! she came down to kitchen a couple of times, as she was bored of the event and company of old, grumpy lordly people, so i had a chance to talk to her. her name was isabella murray, a year younger than me (she is doing classics at the university of edinburgh). huh! i couldn't stop myself from staring at her. that night she cast a spell on me. i was like a fool and feeling so small... yeah, i met a princess, a real one. it was almost like a dream. i guess i could have fallen in love with her if i had stayed there a few hours longer.

i heard a patrick nuo's song on the radio today:

"she's so
beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful
magical, mystical, irresistible, cosmical
a wonderful overkill and most of all beautiful
ooooh ooh ooh!"

these words reminded me of isabella. who knows? maybe one day i'll have a chance to see her again...

Thursday 12 April 2007

last moments in poland

today i'm enjoying my last moments in poland. tomorrow, early in the morning i'm going back to scotland. my flight to edinburgh is at 8:00 am, which means i'll have to set my alarm clock for 5ish. sucks!

i came to warsaw yesterday. i took a coach from belchatow, ahhh never again. it lasted more than 3 hours to get to here. in the evening i met gosia (my friend from belchatow who studies in warsaw) and we went together to hard rock cafe. we spent there two hours sitting at a bar, chatting and drinking.

i haven't done much today, mainly watching tv. i'm gonna miss polish soap opras sooo much! i also ate most of the food stock in emilia's and ola's fridge (i stayed in their flat overnight). oh, one useful thing i actually did today was exchanging some zlote's into great british pounds. yeah, very useful, haha! don't have any plans for the evening. i guess i'll visit my brother piotrek. maybe we'll go to a cinema. we'll see...

Sunday 8 April 2007

happy easter!

a very happy easter to everyone :) ... oh, as well get your water guns ready and watch out tomorrow, it's a 'wet monday' !!!

well, i've been to poland for more than a week. i haven't done much. yeah, but this is what a holiday season is about: relaxing and resting. i've met many of my friends and, generally, had a good time. they say in poland: it is good to be anywhere else, though it is always best to be at home (wszędze dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej). so true! i'm coming back to edinburgh early in the morning on friday. not many days left, yet enough time to enjoy it with my friends. i haven't got many plans for tonight, but i'm sure i'll go somewhere out in the evening, either to 'manhattan' club or '7 sins'. still a matter to be discussed. i've heard that many people are going to the 'manhattan', so it's quite likely i'll be there too. we'll see.

oh, my grandfather has just arrived. i'll cut this post now and go downstairs. bye!

Sunday 1 April 2007

my celebrity look-alikes

oh, well ... call me shakira then, lol!

my cool celebrity look-alike collage from get one for yourself.

Thursday 29 March 2007

feels like i'm all the way back where i belong

i'm going to poland today. i'm so excited! my flight to warsaw is in 3 hours and i keep asking myself why i am still in my room. huh? yeah, i'd better go and catch a bus to the airport before it's too late.

i hope i've packed everything i might need in poland. let's see... i've got my debit/credit cards, passport, mobile phone, bottle of scotch whisky... etc. these are the most important things. so, i guess i'm ready to go.

off to poland! hoorray!

Monday 26 March 2007

off to perth

yeah... i'm off to perth in 15 minutes. paul - my flatmate - is throwing a party in his house in perth while his parents are away. so, i'm going there today and coming back tomorrow afternoon. hope it's going to be a good fun. stephen, liam, ewan, alice and a couple of other people from darroch court are going there too.

what i've been recently up to:
thursday - class exam in economics, i got 75% and think it's enough to get an exemption from a degree exam in may
friday - working in the morning, official 'end of term party' in potterrow in the evening
saturday - working in glasgow at the hampden stadium, football match scotland vs. georgia (2:1)
sunday - zoo expedition; me, liam, steven, paul, alice and kate went to the edinburgh zoo. haha, i loved the monkeyhouse and pinguins. shitting rhinos were also cool!

Wednesday 14 March 2007


yeah, this week is very busy. many of things to do and so little time.

it began pretty well, actually. it was charley's birthday on monday - the only day to relax this week. so we had a party in 7/5. i couldn't come up with an idea for a good present, so i bought a buquet of flowers and charley really like them. a lot of people turned up, so it was a good time. oh, and we played twister, which was so fun. once the party finished, we went to 'why not' (how nou - as carol told me to name it). i had never been there before. the club was really cool. quite posh, and quite expensive as well; a fiver for entry! but it was worth that money. definitely, we should visit 'why not' more often.

yesterday, i started my economics revision. i'm sitting a class exam next thursday. i need to pass it really well in order to have an exemption from a final exam in may. i hope i'll make it. yeah, but this revision takes me much time, so i won't have much entertainment until the test day.

i'm working today in the national museum of scotland as a part of a waiting team. it's gonna be a banquet or sort of. between 4:30 pm and 1:00 am. sucks! i gotta finish this post now. i neet to iron my white shirt and shave. ugh, hate this!

Tuesday 6 March 2007

booze is a men's thing. keep girls away!

well, a lot of things to cover

i'll start briefly with news (or should i say 'olds') of the previous week:
i had to write two essays due to that week. the final submission of the bs1 essay was on tuesday, and for the one in economics - thursday. i did write the first one much in advance, but i left the second essay for the very last moment. so i spent whole tuesday browsing through numerous articles from the economist and financial times. i got down to writing it on wednesday noon and finished by the evening that day. i wasn't satisfied with what i got, but what more could i expect? the essay topics were released early in january and i started to think about it merely two days before the submission. i'll try to work harder next time...

once i finished my 'studying week' on thursday [yes! to those who don't know: i have fridays off!!! ;-P i understand if you're jealous now], it was high time to unwind and get a wee bit off my face. it all began with a pre-party in the carol's flat where everyone sank a few bevvies. after that we went to stereo. i dare say it was the first time i went there, even though i was there in the freshers' week. but i don't remember much of that september night (after all, who remembers much of the freshers' week?! everybody was drunk all the time then, or at least most of it). anyway, they had good promotions in stereo, so i had a couple of drinks. generally, i had a really good time. well, until i woke up in the morning the next day.

friday morning was disasterous. hang-over, hang-over, hang-over ... etc. i ate a sandwich and went to bed. woke up again around 3-ish in the afternoon, still having a slight head-ache. fortunately, since every one was pretty much at the same state of their bodies and minds, we found a good solution to that problem. we decided to go outdoors and play football at our secret pitch. it began raining but we didn't mind. we were playing for two hours in the pouring scottish rain, which washed away our 'i feel sick' feelings definitively.

saturday - big cheese in potterrow, as usually. standing more than half an hour in a queue we could at least observe a lunear eclipse. it was beautiful! i can't say i had a good time in potterrow, simply because i had to leave quite early. someone, kind of accidentally, spilled a glass of orange juice on my white shirt. to me it meant only one thing - the party was over.

sunday - chill out.

what about this week? it's our unwritten tradition that every monday many people from darroch court go to the globe to challenge their minds in a pop-quiz. yesterday, i was in a team of two girls (alice and carol) and five lads (ed, steven, ewan, liam and me). our team name was "greg's a socialist and phil a sexual deviant" (no offence, guys!). i don't know how we did it but we did it. we won the quiz and received a voucher worth 50 quids. we wanted to exchange it for a case of beer and a bottle of vodka. girls (the female part of the team) volounteered to go to a bar and ask for our prize. and then it happened. our most dreadful dreams came true. you're never gonna believe it, but, yeah, what they actually brought was a big case of vk apple drink (24 btls) and two small cases of beer (8 btls in each). omg-wtf?!!! how come? it was supposed to be vodka and beer! then girls explained politely that they were part of the team and they didn't like beer. huh? ok, i can understand it, but why exchange in that proportion? it could've been 16 vk's against 24 beers. oh, damn! i took it as a lesson for the future: never ever let any girl choose a prize you've been awarded in a pop-quiz. booze is a men's thing. so keep girls away of it!

Sunday 4 March 2007

10 commandments of a university student

i - thou shalt nap
and god gave unto student a great gift, the gift of napping. god said to him, you shall spend half your day napping. you shall nap in class, in your room and in your friend’s room. and god said, if you don’t nap, you will not be able to stay up all night drinking. and student said, nap i shall, and it was good.

ii - thou shalt get sick all the time
now god said to student, you must be sick all of the time. and student asked why. and god said unto him, you shall share drinks, stay up too late, drink too much and get off with people you don’t know. therefore, god said, you shall be sick all year round. but god said, blessed are the sick for they have partied the hardest. and it was good.

iii - thou shalt not attend lectures
and student asked, will this sickness affect my studies? and god said unto him, yes, but thou shalt skip classes for lesser reasons. you will skip classes because it is raining and you cannot find your umbrella. you will skip classes because you are too lazy to walk across campus. you shall sleep through your morning lectures and nap through the afternoons. blessed are those that succeed, and those who do not shall resit the year or switch to sociology. and student understood god’s wisdom, and it was good.

iv - thou shalt wear a hoodie
and then student asked how he should make himself look like a university student. and god said unto student, you must wear a hoodie, for it is a useful garment. and you shall never wash it either. student asked god, what kind of hoodie should it be? and god said, you shall own many of varying colours and creeds. and student was pleased and god was pleased.

v - thou shalt abuse the library
and god gave unto student another gift, in the form of the library. and he said, fear not, student, it will not be demanded of you that you use this gift to catch up on missed lectures. you may visit with this intention, but your time will be spent surfing the internet. you shall speak with your numerous fellow students, and smoke. and god said, if you do not honour this gift, and if you use the library to further your studies, i shall smite you. and the student saw that god was right, and it was good.

vi - thou shalt respect the cheeky one
and student then asked of god, surely i must study sometimes, or i cannot be a true student? and god in his wisdom replied, yes, it is true that student must study. and student did not like this, and began to weep, and god said unto him, student, fear not the occasional class, for study you must. but to ease the pain, you shall honour the tradition of the cheeky one, which will make the study more bearable, and help you to spend your student loan. god said, alcohol is another gift to you: it makes anything good better and anything bad more tolerable. and after your cheeky one, you shall return to your home, and nap. and student dried his eyes and thanked god for his generosity, and it was good.

vii - thou shalt get laid
student then asked of sex. and god said, student, you shall get laid and be happy. you shall go home with random people every weekend and forget about them the next day. you shall see them at class and be awkward amongst their company. you shall exchange saliva at bars and parties and it will be good. and student became gleeful and god told student to wrap it up because he knows where she has been, but student does not.

viii - thou shalt join a club and never go to meetings
student inquired of his spare time and god reminded him that he should be napping. but student said he wanted to do other things. so god said unto him, you shall join a club at the beginning of the semester, but then never go to meetings. and student asked why he should not go to meetings, and god told him, because they are gay. and student understood his wisdom.

ix - thou shalt wake up confused
god said to student, there will come many a day when you shall wake up in the bed of another and not know where you are. you will not remember what you did last night and you shall be confused. you will see that you have nipple rings and a tattoo now and are covered in marmite. you will find yourself surrounded by items that do not belong to you, and of which you do not know the provenance, such as road signs, bicycle tyres, and garden furniture. and student was disturbed by this, but god said, you shall tell great stories about it to your friends one day, and it is not stealing if you were drunk when you did it. and student understood and god took a sip of beer.

and god gave student the final commandment :

x - thou shalt gain weight
and student wished to hear the final commandment and god said he would not like it. but student insisted, so god said unto him, you shall gain weight. however, god said, you will not buy new clothes, so you will wear tracksuits a lot. god said, student, you will watch a lot of tv and become fat, which caused student to weep profusely. but god comforted student saying, you will still get laid even if you cannot tie your shoes any more. student felt better and god pointed to student’s chest saying, those will soon be bitch tits. and it was good.

p.s i found it on facebook. quite funny, isn' it?

Sunday 25 February 2007

i didn't mean what i meant *

well, at the beginning i'd like to explain why i haven't posted anything for so long. the reason is quite simple actually. i couldn't log on to my account. don't know why. once i cleared history and deleted temporary internet files, everything is working again.

so this is a short recap of what i've been up to recently:

basically, this week was my "reading week", which means i did have neither any lectures nor classes at university. just a week off, theoretically, to write essays, catch up on studying, revise academic stuff etc. of course, studying was the least thing anyone could think of during the reading week. to me this spare time was much about making money. haha! yes, i was working for three days. on monday and thursday - in a café in the scottish national gallery of modern art. yesterday i was working at the murrayfield stadium during the rugby game scotland v. italy. erm... bad news: scotland lost that match. on other days i was doing nothing but lazing around. i tried to get down to studying several times but the harder i tried, the more i failed. fortunately, i managed to finish my essay in business studies in previous week, so i'm only left with the essay in economics - the easier one.

what else? one very important issue has clarified this week. i already know who i'm going to live next year with, that is from september onwards. so, if nothing changes, my future flatmates will be: ed (from my flat), steven and liam (from 7/2)... and maybe, but not necessarily as this matter is still being discussed, ewan.

i'm pretty sure there were more things i wanted to cover in this post but i can't think of anything at the moment. i'll update it immidiately when something important comes to my mind.

up-date: it's an oscars night tonight. who's your favourite? which movie did you like most last year?

*) from bridget jones. watched it today.

Wednesday 14 February 2007

i hate valentine’s day

it reminds you if you don’t have someone that you’re alone. and if you do have someone you shouldn’t have to have a holiday to like remind someone that you care about them...

update: v-party @ city club was so good

Tuesday 13 February 2007

i kto to mówi?

"media [czyżby radio ma-jące-ryja?] tak urabiają opinię, myślenie ludzi [tj. moherów], jak chcą ich dysponenci, po to, żeby mieć pieniądze [oraz maybachy]. z kolei ci, którzy mają pieniądze [i chętkę na prywatne helikoptery], mogą mieć media i sprawować władzę [w parlamentarnych kulu-, erm tzn. pisu-arach]. to taki zamknięty trójkąt (...)" - powiedział ojciec tadek dla tygodnika "niedziela".

Sunday 11 February 2007

all you gotta do is dream

a short note only to capture briefly what's happened over the weekend.

so, i was working yesterday for 9 hours. it was mainly a waitery job, including serving meals and drinks as well as cleaning tables at a wedding reception. quite tiring but rewarding on the other hand. my agency pays me net £5.50 ph, which is sligltly higher than a minimum wage after all. when i finished work i took a rest for a while and intended to go to potterrow around 11 pm. when i finally went there, a queue to the club was extremely massive so i decided to go back to darroch court. fortunately, i met girls from flat 7/10 on my way there. they were going to the movies for a night screening of "dreamgirls". so i joined them and we went to the vue cinema. the film was very good. i really enjoyed it. i never liked beyoncé knowles very much but now i've changed my mind. i think she's great. she's beautiful. she's cute and she's got talent. dreamgirls rock!

today, i woke up at noon and since then i've been reading for my bs essay and studying all the time. not finished yet. right now i'm having only a tea break. funny thing is that i can't concentrate on what i am actually reading and i keep losing the thread because i still hear that song in my head "we're your dreamgirls, boy, dreamgirls will never leave you... dreamgirls, yeah, yeah... [tralalalala] dreams!" lol!

Friday 9 February 2007

the silicon chip ...

... inside my head gets switched to overload. yeah, and it's not a joke. recent two days i spent reading recommended books for my business studies essay. i decided to choose a topic about british trade unions and their diminishing role since 1980s. sucks! today i've been going through "industrial relations: theory and practice" i'm sick of this. seems like i'm already experiencing the >yuck factor<

another news to add on to this post is that i've registered with a job agency this week. the consequence of that move is that i'm working tomorrow for 8 hours. i'm gonna serve wine and other liquors. huh! i hope i won't spill it on someone's shirt. wish me luck!

right, i'm going to bed. i'm exhausted because i spent two hours at gym today, and that was the only break i took between reading the chapters.

Sunday 4 February 2007

happy b-day 2 steven

well, well, well. this weekend was pretty good actually. oh, damn! i said it again. i've noticed i use word "actually" too often. i've got to get rid of this word from my memory.

so what happened?

on saturday it was steven's birthday. there was a party in 7/2 with all those nice decorations and balloons. quite a lot of people turned up, so the flat was momentally a bit overcrowded. lol! no surprise! after all a poster on our stair's door said: "we cordially invite everyone to steven j. wilson's annual birthday party. saturday, flat 7/2, starts 8pm. all are welcome (even whores!)" at around 11-ish most of the people went to potterrow, including me, of course. how couldn't i go to "the big cheese"??? unfortunately, we had to wait for almost an hour in a massive queue in front of the club. it was really freezing cold, and i had only a very light and thin shirt on. finally, when we all got in, the party began. what can i say? there was plenty of dancing and drinking. we went back to darroch court at 3am and ate steven's stock of potato wedges and frozen pizzas before i went to bed. which was far too late...

because i had to wake up very early on sunday. and when i say very early, i really mean it. so, i was awoken at 7am after less than 3 hours of low-quality nap. the reason for that moring rouse was that tomek (my friend from poland, doing chemistry at the university of edinburgh) planned and organized a day trip to pentland hills. our expedition group were mainly polish and french. we took a bus to balerno, where we started a walk. a trek was almost 6 hours long and during that time we managed to climb three summits, inlcuding scald law - the highest peak. it was so exhausting. hillsides were quite steep and it was very cold and windy. but i think it was worth going there. the views were amazing, and it was nice to meet some polish people and talk in my mother tounge. i can't wait to take another trip like the one today. (visit to see some pictures)

Tuesday 30 January 2007

let the rain come down and wake my dreams *

dunzo! today i finished watching season 1 of a popular mtv drama "laguna beach". it was soooo cool. my favourite character of that season was definitely lo. she was so cute and sweet! i loved her gestures, voice, style, clothes... everything. when it comes to comment on a battle: lauren (aka lc) vs. kristin, i don't know who the winner is. there were things about both of them i liked and disliked. lauren seemed to be more gentle, classy and calm, whereas kirsten was more aggresive, flirtatious and direct. they're both beautiful and they attract same guys. i'm watching season 2 from tomorrow, so the drama is still on.

another news:
#1 archery was great yesterday. i was working mainly on my posture while shooting an arrow. it's quite difficult but i hope i'll pick up the correct techinque soon.
#2 pics from cerian's birthday party are available on

*) from an opening song to "laguna"

Sunday 28 January 2007

weekend news

i went for a free novice session to the edinburgh university archery club. it was so cool. archery looks like an easy thing to do, but, apparently, things are not as easy as they seem to be. it’s quite difficult to focus on a correct posture and shooting a bow at the same time. besides, one has to be quite strong to hold a big and heavy bow so that arms don’t shake when targeting. well, i’m definitely into archery. i wanna practise it more, so on monday i’m going to buy a membership in the euac. after trying my strength in archery i went to teviot to play pool for about an hour, or maybe a bit longer, and then went back to darroch court. guys were playing poker in our kitchen (each of them contributing £2 to the game, ha! gambling in 7/1) and i went to bed because i felt very tired.

nothing special happened before the evening. about 8 o’clock we went to 7/6 (which is a morgan’s and carol’s flat) and started watching a sick japanese movie about teens killing one another. generally, there was lots of blood spilling and i didn’t get the point in that movie. probably, because half-way i had a short break for a joint. ohh, that was very strong weed. for next two hours i was so amazingly stoned! my eyes were almost as red as christina augilera’s lipstick. when all that high was gone, i suddenly realized we (me, completely drunk charlie, liam and sophie) were watching a film starring lindsay lohan. i think the title was “mean girls”, but i’m not sure.

right. i woke up about 11 am. didn’t do much actually. only some random stuff like washing and ironing my clothes, tidying my room, doing the shopping. i went to a gym in the afternoon, but not for long. didn’t want to get tired because otherwise i would be exhausted in the evening, which is the last thing one needs for a weekend night out. so we had a wee pre-party in 7/2 and afterwards we headed off to potterrow for a big cheese. the party was pretty good. lots of dancing and drinking as usually. to cut the story short, we (that is me, sophie, charlie, bleeding liam and kirsten) ended up in 7/5 at 3:30 am eating garlic bread and pizza. yummie! good end for a good day.

studying. breakfast. studying. phone call to ola ilnicka. studying. supper. studying. economics online test. scored 18/20. yay! end of studying. phone call to mom. high time for a dinner...

post scriptum:

it’s been a long, long weekend. hopefully, next weekend will be at least equally cool.

Wednesday 24 January 2007


hoooray! i booked a flight to go home for easter break. dates are as follows:
29.03.07 : edinburgh-warsaw 17:40 - 21:20
13.04.07 : warsaw-edinburgh 08:00 - 09:55
the schedule above shows local times. just in case someone would like to collect me from airports.

what else...
i spent 3 hours today in the ocean terminal. did a big shopping! i love spending money. to be honest, the reason for going there was to look for some part-time job. i left my cv in 5 places. january is a silent time, so i doubt that anyone will bother to call me back. in one restaurant, though, i was told they will need a waiter in about two weeks... so, who knows?

economics tutorial was soooooo boring today. i wasn't prepared to it. everybody was surprised because i always have all the tasks done in advance. unfortunately, not that time. so i was sitting there for two hours thinking about nothing in particular and putting an "x" on the back cover of my notebook every time another 5 minutes passed. to recompensate for all that lost time i spent there i could at least observe that beautiful view of edinburgh from 11th floor of david hume tower. uuh! breath-taking.

last thing to add to this post. yesterday i attended an interview for a summer job only to hear after 3 quarters of my precious life-time spent at the interview that a guy who i was talking to "didn't find in me the character traits he was looking for, blah-blah-blah..." what special traits does one need to sell fuckin' books?!! erm? anyone tell me, please.

Sunday 21 January 2007

enzo bettiza, „la stampa”

„polska jest nieszczęśliwym krajem, w którym trwa wojna na donosy i archiwa komunistycznych służb i gdzie „wszechwładzę” sprawują bracia kaczyńscy, radio maryja i ipn. (…)

od mniej niż roku działają w sposób niepohamowany faraońskie machiny donosów, chronione przez władze i mające dwuznaczne błogosławieństwo medialnego imperium radia maryja, pseudo- religijnej fundacji stworzonej i zarządzanej z plebejskim sukcesem przez duchownego ultranacjonalistę i antysemitę. (…)

taki paralelny świat, na swój sposób spiskowy i pełen teczek, w każdym razie niejasny, wydaje się mieć w wielkiej pogardzie teraźniejszość polski spokojnej i europejskiej. (…)

to nieszczęsna i tragikomiczna polska xxi wieku, źle rządzona przez cyrkowych bliźniaków, którzy pławią się w zatrutych kartach przeszłości, upokorzona przez dostojnika kościelnego, który przyznaje się do szpiegowania na rzecz komunistów, sterroryzowana przez świeckie katedry pamięci, gdzie bezlitosne i instrumentalne ręce mieszają ze sobą na kilometrowych półkach biografie autentycznych sprawców i sprytnie wrobionych niewinnych ludzi. (…)

być może samym polakom trudno zdać sobie sprawę z tego, co dzieje się w polsce, która zdaje się być zablokowana przez paraliżujące historyczne zwarcie.”

Sunday 14 January 2007

dare to dream

because you never know what your future holds ...

wow! i've just realized that exactly a year ago, on saturday 14 jan 2006, i did one of the best or the most stupid decisions in my life. on that day i applied for the university of edinburgh (and the uni of glasgow as well). it was such a spontaneous decision! in the morning that day i said to myself "i wish i could study somewhere abroad" and in the evening i sent my application to ucas (universities and colleges admission services) in the uk. it was more for fun, i treated it rather as a joke. i was like: "i don't lose anything by applying [oh, well, forget about £15 application fee]. why shouldn't i give it a try? i can do it and will see what happens next." why did i choose scotland? i have no idea. simply, it was a random choice. why didn't i apply anywhere else, even though i could apply for 6 universities in the uk? no idea, either. anyway, what happened next (to my very big surprise!) was that early in march i received "successful - conditional" offers from both universities. conditional meant that the offers were subject to passing an additional english language exam (ielts), which i took in june receiving 7.5 out of 9.0 (my condition was 6.5). before making any further decisions, i went to edinburgh in march 2006 to attend the university open days. i remember that while i was trying to get to the uni central area i met an american woman on a bus. she took a seat next to me and we started talking. she said she had spent her summer holidays in edinburgh 6 years ago. she loved the city so much that without any hesitation she had left california and moved to scotland. also, she said to me "if you do the same, you won't regret. i can promise it. you'll love the city as i do." and that was a moment when i realized i wanted to study in edinburgh. i whispered: "if i ever come here again, i wanna come here as a student of the edinburgh university". what can i say... my dream came true and it still lives on.

Wednesday 10 January 2007



don't know why i'm writing this.... just to let you know that i'm drunk! today i went to the 3 sisters with guys from 7/2 and ed, and naomi, had 2 pints of beer (carling sucks!) then came back to darroch court and found out that stephen threw a party in our kitchen, so i drank 2 shots with his fellows. adding a few cigarettes and one cigar to it... the result is that i'm done for today.

i'm going to bed. see you tomorrow in the world of people suffering from hang-over. cheers!

Tuesday 9 January 2007

no comment yet

erm, i published a link to this blog on facebook, but seems like nobody has visited it yet. at least, no one has bothered to leave a comment.

in case someone, who doesn't know me, makes a visit to this site wonderng how to read my name, i hope this will be of some help:

pawel >> read it like puv-ewh (accent falls on "puv").

Monday 8 January 2007

welcome to my story

okey, so... let's start

some people may still remember, some may not, i used to have a blog (lol, it rhymes) but i didn't update it, so i decided to close it down. and i did so. now i'm opening another blog. hopefully, it will live a bit longer. unfortunatelly, i can't promise it, however i'll do my best to publish a note from time to time.

to those who don't know: english is not my first language and will never be. i was born in poland, grew up in poland, so i speak and think in polish. i guess i'll post sometimes in my mother tounge too. nevertheless, this blog is targeted mainly at english-speaking audience. being now in edinburgh i keep talking (or it's better to say "try talking") in english, therefore i hope it won't be much problematic to express my thoughts, sometimes in a direct way, sometimes indirectly. well, we'll see. what i can add is that i'll try not to make intelectual labirynths from simple things.

right. guess that's enough for the first entry. whoever you are, if you want to listen to some more of my story, if you enjoy reading about how much my life sucks, or occasionally how great it is, then ... welcome

#1 note

just checking how it works